Tuesday, May 8, 2007

tech 290 final

1) I found it interesting while on the site of the National Technology Education Plan that in the Florida virtual school teachers are available on weekends until 8 pm and must give feedback on assignments within 48 hrs. On the Adopt & Adapt site I found it funny how they considered writing, creating, submitting, and shoring work digitally on the computer as old things. Some new things they talked about were learning about nanotechnology, bioethics, genetic medicine, and neuroscience in interactive ways. It's almost like being on the job. While at highschool.com I was shocked that 300,000 students in high school take online classes. I never took an online class until college. High school today is almost more like college. Some high schoolers don't even have to attend regular school. They do everything from home.

2) On the apple learning website I read about one teacher who talked about the program 1:1. This is when there is a laptop for every student. Her school got the ok to start the program. They are a private school and when they got all the laptops the Parish thought that the school was being to progressive. Then, they had to send all of the computers back. The teachers were willing and the Parish was not.

3) At the altec website I went to Rubi Star Tech topics. I found an activity about earthquakes. A teacher had made it and it was a very interactive slide show. It took you through all of the basics about earthquakes in a slide by slide representation. I wanted to create something similar but wasn't sure how.

4) maps.google.com-great place to view maps that other people have made and you can also make your own maps.
www.flickr.com-great site to upload pictures and be able to share them with other teachers
www.crh.noaa.gov/ict - great site for the forecasting of weather, you can look up weekly forecasts as well as past forecasts.
del.icio.us/bkptacek- great place to bookmark sites, tell what is on them, and then share them with other people.
www.ksde.org- great place to get all of the kansas state benchmarks and standards
www.weatherstock.com- great site to view great storm pictures
www.anovember.com- great site to learn about what blogs are and how they are used.
www.unitedstreaming.com- a site where teachers can download videos, quizzes, and other useful materials.
earth.google.com- great site to explore images of the earht and has unlimited geographical information of the world.
it.coe.uga.edu/wwild/pptgames/index.html- great site to find homemade powerpoint games to use with your classes

5) Through this course I learned a great deal about blogs. I have been exposed to blogs a little in the past but didn't really understand what they are used for. Now I know they are used to share your thought with other people and reflections of classes, and so on...
With this course I also found a great site del.icio.us that lets you bookmark sites and share those sites with other people.
Through this course I also found some great teaching sites that let you do anything from record your grades on them to constructing quizzes and tests on them. I could't believe how much so many of these site would let you share information with so many other people and teachers in particular.

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